I technically hit the year mark on January 6 but I wanted a full perfect rectangle of green so I pushed for a week more and this is what I got.
I think it’s time to erm…cash out on the things I learned doing this thing. Or spend more time thinking and less of coding; but I think, the habit can be quite hard to break.
A few more words before I go, the year mostly revolved around two projects, interestingly both a throwback from when I was just fresh out of university.
alexandria is actually a Python “port” of my earliest project on GitHub. Scare quotes on the word “port” because, by now, it hardly is a port. I wonder if the old PHP code will still run if I try to set it up today. The Python port itself, however, was started in 2015.
PyGame-Objects is my earliest attempts at seriously Python-ing. I created Snake this year which is, yeah, not very impressive but it really made me happy to try to write it as cleanly as I could, modifying the framework (which I built too, which is what PyGame Objects is all about) when needed, and maintaining backwards-compatibility with the previous games. I think some time ago (in 2013? But that feels like a lifetime now) I tried to rename it to something cooler but I stuck with the humbler name for now, and for the foreseeable future.
I cannot contain my excitement when the debug mode for PyGame Objects finally worked. Oh what joy! It felt legit even if there is much work to be done.
Pardon my seeming lack of modesty but my great takeaway here is that I write code pretty clean. They say a good rule-of-the-thumb of code cleanliness and documentation is if you can understand code you last touched three months ago. Well I last touched most of PyGame-Objects four years ago!
But I think, I overshot my intended quota of words. Goodbye now. Gotta play The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.